Mastering Javascript Advanced Concept | Complete Javascript Course With Projects
1 Topic
2. Object oriented JavaScript
7 Topics
1.Return Multiple object from function
2.Constructor function
3.Constructor function declared by JavaScript
4.Object constructor
6.ES6 class
3.Project -1 (profile Builder App- written in Object oriented JavaScript both in ES5 and ES6 )
10 Topics
1.Building HTML structure
2.Adding item to UI
3.Validation and Clear Field after submission
4.Delete profile
5.Showing message
6.Converting to ES6
7.Adding item to local Storage
8.Getting and Displaying item from local Storage
9.Deleting item from local Storage
10.Homework (writing product catalog app using OOJ)
4. Asynchronous JavaScript
9 Topics
1.Synchronous programming
2.Introduction to asynchronous programming
3.Dealing asynchronous code with callback
4.Simple practical example of Callback and callback hell
5.Introduction to Promise
6.Converting existing example to use promise
7.Promise resolve, reject, all, race
8.Using Async await
9.Try catch with async await
16 Topics
1.How web works?
2.Type of Request and REST API Introduction
3.What is API (Application programming interface)?
4.What is AJAX?
5.Where AJAX fits in
6.Working with AJAX
7.AJAX shortcut method
8.What is JSON
9.Using JSON data
10.Using fetch
11.Sample profile using JSON
12.Working with Jokes API
13.Working With JSON placeholder API
14.JSON placeholder in practice
15.Building Http Library
16.Homework (Develop a project with ICNDB Jokes API)
6. project-2(weather App using 3rd party API -written in Object oriented JavaScript using promise , Async await)
11 Topics
1.Introduction to the project
2.HTML structure
3.Exploring API
4.Getting data
5.Serving data to UI
6.Generating and serving icon
7.Generating dynamic data from form
8.Working with local Storage
9.Handling message
10.Separate functionality by file
11.Homework (Develop GitHub profile finder by using GitHub API)
7.Webpack, babel and ES6 module
8 Topics
1.Some problem we are facing and solution!!
2.More about babel and webpack
3.Installing babel and webpack
4.Configuring webpack
5.Configuring babel and webpack continued
6.Es6 module
7.Practical use of ES6 module
8.Homework (use ES6 module to convert profile builder APP)
8.project-3 (Contact APP using REST API- Developed by using REST API)
17 Topics
1.Project Showcase
2.Installing JSON server
3.Configuring and running webpack
4.REST API principal
5.Writing HTML markup
6.Getting contact after DOM Load
7.Working with UI
8.Working with Form data
9.Submitting Form data
10.Deleting contact
11.Little organization
12.Populating form
13.Working with edit state
14.Update contact
15.Changing state after updating contact
16.Showing message
17.Showing Meaningful message in Application
9.Introduction to DESIGN pattern
4 Topics
1.Scope revisited
2.Closure Explained
3.Introduction to Design pattern
4.Modular Design pattern
10.Projects-4 (Task Manger- Developed by using modular Design pattern)
27 Topics
1.Overview of the project
2.HTML Mark Up
3.Continue HTML Mark Up
4.Different module and responsibilities
5.How to work with module internally
6.Populating task in UI
7.Working UI state
8.Working with init and Event listener
9.Working with task submission
10.Updating data dynamically
11.Adding new task
12.Showing container conditionally
13.Working with completed task functionality
14.Adding CSS class Dynamically
15.Working with edit state
16.Updating task
17.deleting task
18.Dealing with back Button
19.updating total task count
20.Updated complete task count
11.Debugging Javascript
7 Topics
1.Introduction to debugging
2.Dealing error message
4.Step by Step inspection
5.Debugging option
6.Adding task in debugger
7.practical problem and solution
12.What to learn next?
4 Topics
1.Targeting front-end development
2.Targeting mobile application Development
3.Targeting server side application development
4.Targeting Desktop and continue more advanced application Development
13. GoodBye folks
1 Topic
1.Thank you for being awesome and patient
Mastering Javascript Advanced Concept | Complete Javascript Course With Projects
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