Mastering React Core with Projects | Job Ready Complete React Web Developer Course
1.welcome to the course
6 Topics
1.Greetings! thanks for choosing
2.What to Expect and How to get most out the course
3.What to do when you stuck
4.Prepare your Environment
5.Make our Code Editor suitable for React
6.Very important to proceed
2.React philosophy
5 Topics
1.What is React?
2.Composition in React
3.Declarative coding in React
4.Unidirectional data flow in React
5. React is Just JavaScript
3. ES6 essentials for React
16 Topics
1.Introduction to the section
2.Let const
3.Default parameter in function
4. Destructuring obj and array
5.Understanding rest operator
6.Copying array and object using spread operator
7.conditionals, ternary operator,switch
8.Logical AND OR operator
9.Working with map method
10.Working with Find and Filter method
11.Working with Reduce method
12.code Refactor
13.Exercise with map and filter
14.Working with class and subclass
15.Support Group
4 configuring from scratch and JSX
12 Topics
1.Introduction to the section
2.Introduction to React Component
3.creating boilerplate and Using React And ReactDOM From CDN
4.React createElement
5.Introduction to JSX
6.Introduction to parcel
7.configuring parcel
8.Setting prettier
9.Configuring Eslint with React(part-1)
10.Configuring Eslint with React(part-2)
11.More JSX
12.Let’s Recap
5.React Props
8 Topics
1.Creating React component
2.Class Based component
3. Separating component
4.composing component
5.React props
6.props validation
7.Different proptypes
6.React state and Event
19 Topics
1.Little organization
2.ES6 modular system
3.Introduction to state
4.Introduction to state(continued)
5.State in practice
6.Introduction to changing state
7.changing state in practice
8.Introduction to React event
9.React Event in Practice
10.More About setState
11. separating component
12.passing value with event Reference
13.state vs props
14.Alternative configuration
15.Alternative configuration continued
16.sample project Lucky Number(part-1)
17.sample project Lucky Number(part-2)
18.sample project Lucky Number(part-3)
7.Practical App Development-Mastering React core(contact App)
21 Topics
21.Searching Contact
8.React Routing
9 Topics
1.Introduction to section
2.Client vs server side routing
3.Introduction of React-router-dom
4.Where to use render in Routing
5.Continue to working with Routing
6. Not Found route
7.Working with Link and NavLink component
8.Working with Link continued
9.Little Organization
9.Working with context API
9 Topics
1.problem in state management and solution
2.Introduction to Context API
3.Working with Context API continued
4.Using Context API in Contacts
5.Using Context API in Edit Update and delete Contact
6.Concept of reducer
7. Dispatching Add Contact
8.Dispatching EDIT UPDATE DELETE contact
9.Organizing our project
10. Life-cycle method and asynchronous Request
11 Topics
1.Introduction to Life-cycle method
2. Life-cycle method In mounting
3.Life-cycle method In updating
4.Life-cycle method In unmounting
5.More life-cycle method
6.Working with JSON-Server
7.Getting contacts from API
8.Adding contact
9.Deleting contact
10.Updating contact
11.fetch to axios
11.code refactoring and hooks
13 Topics
1.Code refactoring(part-1)
2.Code refactoring(part-2)
3.Code refactoring(part-3))
4.Code refactoring(part-4)
5.Code refactoring(part-5)
6.Review of class based component
7. Introducing hook (useState)
8. Introducing hook (useEffect)
9. Introducing hook (useReducer) and applying in project
10.Applying hooks in our project(part-2)
11.Applying hooks in our project(part-3)
12.Applying hooks in our project(part-4)
13.Applying hooks in our project(part-5)
12.Server side Rendering and deployment
6 Topics
1.Introduction to the section
2.Creating server by node express
3.serving static React asset from server
4.Hosting project in heroku
5.Introduction to Server side rendering
6.Applying server side rendering
13.Alternative configuration using creating-react-app
3 Topics
1.What to choose for initializing project
2. Using using Create-react-app
3. Folder structure and File organization
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2.Composition in React
Mastering React Core with Projects | Job Ready Complete React Web Developer Course
2.React philosophy
2.Composition in React
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