Mastering Javascript Fundamentals With Projects | Complete Javascript Course With Projects
7 Topics
1.Thanks for joining
2. PreRequisite to complete the course
3.What to expect from the course?
4,How to get most out of the course
5.where to get help when you stuck
6.Some Inspiration and Advancement of your carrier
7.What we are going to cover
2.Let’s Drive into JavaScript
8 Topics
1.Introduction to JavaScript
2.What & why & how JavaScript?
3.Code editor? Why we need One?
4.Prepare to write code
5.Type of First JavaScript code
6.Where to put JavaScript code
7.Getting familiar with Node
3.JavaScript fundamentals
22 Topics
1.Let’s talk to machine with it’s own language
2.JavaScript data type-String
3.JavaScript Primitive-Number
4. concept of variable
5.let vs const
6.Exercise -Data type
7.Dynamic typing
8.complex data type
9.Array in Practice
11.complex data type -Object
12.object in practice
14.Exercise solve-MovieDB
15.Introduction to Function
16.Function in practice
17.Javascript statement
18.Template String
19.return keyword
20.Return in practice
4.OPERATORS in Javascript
11 Topics
1.Arithmetic operator
2.Run javascript code on the editor
3.Assignment operator
4.Operands++ vs ++operands
5.Comparison operator
6.Equality operator(== vs ===)
7. Truthy and falsy value
8.Checking non-Boolean value
9.Operator precedence
10.Interesting case
8 Topics
1. Introduction to Logic & condition
2.If && else statement
3.combining multiple condition
4.Ternary operator
5.logical AND OR operator
6.If and Else if
7.Switch statement
11 Topics
1.Introduction to while loop
2.While loop in practice
3.Infinite loop
4.Introduction to For loop
5.For loop in practice
6.Looping with array
7.Break && continue
8.For of loop
9.For in loop
10.Dynamically access properties
7.More Objects
15 Topics
1.Object review
3.Factory Function
4.Constructor function
5.“This” in JavaScript
6.Call, bind, apply
7.Binding “this” in JavaScript
8.Function expression and this binding
9.Copy by value/copy by reference
10.Pass by value /pass by reference
11.Copying object
12.Functions as a object
13.Math Object
14.Date Object
15.Exercise (Total 5 exercises)
8. More Function
14 Topics
1.Function Review
3.Rest operator
4.Default parameter
5.Evolution of function
6.Arrow function and “this”
7.Array and object destructuring
8.First class function
9.Difference between function statement and Expression
12.Var vs Let vs const
13.Rest and spread operator
9. More ARRAYS
16 Topics
1.Array Review
2.Adding Elements into array
3.Removing elements from array
4.Finding Elements(primitive)
5.Finding Element (Reference)
6.Find vs filter
7.Combining array
8.Split and join
9.Copying array
10.Emptying array
11.Iterating array
12.Sorting array
13.Reducing array
14.Every and some helper
15.Map method and chaining
16.Exercise (Total 5 Exercises)
10.DOM(Document object model)
16 Topics
1. What is DOM(Document Object Model)?
2. DOM in practice
3.Window object
4.Selecting element
5.HTML collection vs Node List
6.Manipulating element
7.Traversing DOM
8.Interacting and child Nodes
9.Creating Element
10.Replacing and removing element
11.Event Introduction
12.Event in practice
13.It’s your time to practice
14.Event bubbling and delegation
15.Event delegation in practice
16.Exercise (Total 4 Exercises)
11. Project-1 (player vs player -small project with all previous concept)
9 Topics
1.Introduction to the project
2.HTML boilerplate
3.Selection and data declaration
4.Working with player score
5.Tracking winner state
6.Code refactoring
7.Dynamic winning score
8.Code refactoring (IIFE)
9.Homework Idea (Develop your own)
12. Project-2 (product catalog)
16 Topics
1.Introduction to the project
2.Header and filter Design
3.Complete the Design process
4.Selection and creating store
5.Populating item
6.Adding item validation
7.Adding item to data store
8.Generating unique id for each item,
9.Deleting item
10.Searching item
11.Formatting message
12.code Organization
13.Introduction to local Storage
14.Applying localStorage in project
15.correcting error
16.Homework (Develop your tweet tweet project)
1 Topic
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3.Code editor? Why we need One?
Mastering Javascript Fundamentals With Projects | Complete Javascript Course With Projects
2.Let’s Drive into JavaScript
3.Code editor? Why we need One?
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