Full-stack React with Firebase | Job Ready Complete React Web Developer course
1.Introduction to the course
1 Topic
1.Introduction to the section
2.Blog App project and Working with formik
21 Topics
Support Group
3.Working with Rich text editing with slate js
26 Topics
1.Working with material UI React Form Field
2.working with selectBox and multiple select
4.Introduction to slate
5.Working with slate event
6.Working with slate render block
7.setting and toggling block
8.custom formatting and toggling
9.saving local Storage
10.Working with mark button
11. marker on active block button
12.working with active block button
13.working with ul and ol
14.Let’s inspect with debugger
15.Working with active button
16.saving to database
17.serializing and de-serializing
18.adding post
19.parsing html
20.Editing Post
4. Redux
17 Topics
1.Introduction to global state management
2.Introduction to Reducer
3.Subscription and unsubscription
4.Dispatching more actions
5.combining Reducers
6.Working with React Redux
7.Dispatching from React component
8.Working with Flip counting
9.Let’s use Redux in our application
10.Getting posts from Redux store
11.Adding Post in Redux store
12.working with edit post
13.working with updating post
14.working with post details
15.Deleting Post
16.Replacing connect with hooks
17.Conclusion and homework
5.Working With Firebase Firestore
17 Topics
1.Introduction and solving some existing problem
2.Introduction to Redux Dev tools
3.Introduction to Serverless(Firebase)
4.Dealing with asynchronous request
5.More Redux thunk(More detailed overview)
6.Introduction to Firestore
7.Introduction to NoSQL database structure
8.Setting up firebase in our project
9.Introduction to react Redux Firebase & Redux Firestore
10.Configuring Redux Firebase & Redux Firestore
11.solving circular reference error
12.Getting data from firestore
13.Adding data to firestore
14.Deleting data from firestore
15.Dealing with Edit state
16.Updating data in firestore
17.Handling success and error Message
6.Authentication(Registration, Login, Log Out)
10 Topics
1.Authentication – Login our app
2.Redirecting authenticated user
3.Showing Menu based on authentication
4.Authentication-Registration in Our App
5.Saving profile data and populating in firebase profile
6.Using profile related Data and date format by date-fns
7. Authorization in Front-end
8.Solving Some UI issue
9.More in depth explanation of HOC & create own HOC
10.Solving some redirection issue
7.Image uploading with Firebase
6 Topics
1.Let’s Create Input for image uploading
2.Uploading Image to firebase
3.Handling edit state of image upload
4.Updating image on upload
5.Image naming collision and solution
6.Some UI Improvement
8.Firebase cloud functions(server side implementation)
5 Topics
1.Introduction to cloud Functions
2.Deploying your first cloud function
3.creating notification on post creation
4.creating notification on user registration
5.Showing notification on Front-end
9.Database security
6 Topics
1.Introduction to database security
2.Write posts related security rules
3.Write users and notifications related security rules
4.Solving some existing problem
5.create storage related security rules
6.Deploying to the web
10.Bonus Next js
12 Topics
1.Introduction to Next JS
2.Creating pages
3. Client side vs server side rendering with linking pages
4. creating components and Code re-usability
5.populating Head
6.creating dynamic pages
7.clean URL
8.Dynamic routing with clean URL
9.Working with getInitialProps
10.Working with sample blog app
11.Not Found Page)
12.prepare for deployment
11.What’s next
2 Topics
1.What’s next?
2.Is this course is JOB Ready?
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1.Introduction to the course
Full-stack React with Firebase | Job Ready Complete React Web Developer course
1.Introduction to the course
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